SCAM ALERT: Mandolin Farm Bluegrass Festival

In a very disturbing piece of news, it seems someone is attempting to scam people with a fake festival site.

The promoters of the Mandolin Farm Bluegrass Festival are asking people to carefully check the url before purchasing tickets online. Their previous webmaster is using an old url to scam people into buying fake tickets. DO NOT purchase tickets for this festival from any url other than:

The urls to the scam website are:


I’m not linking for obvious reasons.

None of the sites, including the real one, appear to be selling tickets online at this time. I hope that means that nobody has been scammed yet. The perpetrator didn’t stop with setting up a fake site though. He has actually gone so far as to post on the scam website, that other sites are trying to scam him!

SCAM ALERT – Beware of imitations!! – Mandolin Farm has recently learned that others are attempting to cash in on Mandolin Farm’s success by replicating Mandolin Farm’s website. DON’T BE FOOLED! is the original and only home of Mandolin Farm! If it doesn’t say, it’s wrong!!

Don’t be fooled indeed. This person is no part of nothing and should be avoided at all costs.