We heard this morning from Sam Passamano, President of Rural Rhythm Records in Nashville, with news of the passing of Rick Fowler, who had been serving as the label’s National Sales and Promotions Director. He was only 64 years of age.
Rick became ill several months ago and his doctors discovered a fast growing cancer throughout his body which finally took his life earlier this morning. He had enjoyed a successful career over the years with key sales positions with IMG, Music Mill, and recently with Rural Rhythm Records.
Sam shared a few words about Fowler.
“Rick was a very special record guy. His love for all kinds of music and passion to share the music was infectious to everyone who knew him. Rick’s stories about his music industry experiences are well known and always brings a smile to your face. Above all, Rick was a quality person who’s word was a bond and his friendship and loyalty was boundless. His selfless nature to help people who were in need was unprecedented and amazing. Our world has been a little better place with Brother Rick’s footprints over the years.”
This beloved music industry veteran will be truly missed by all of his friends and industry associates.
A memorial gathering to honor and celebrate Rick’s life will be announced soon.