Subscribers to the venerable British Bluegrass News will soon receive their Winter 08/09 issue in the mail.
Though BBN has been published continuously each quarter for many years by the British Bluegrass Music Association (BBMA), this (#47) will be the first issue of the revised, newly-refocused magazine. Declining membership in the organization in recent years had led to a decline in the quality of British Bluegrass News, with only a sole staff member responsible for each issue’s content.
With new leadership in the person of BBMA chairman John Wirtz, a new team has been assembled to create the magazine, with an eye towards returning it to the standards that existed during the mid-1990s. That team includes Dave Bresnen (Editor In Chief), Richard Partridge (Sub Editor), Richard F. Thompson (Features Editor) and Pat Francis (Production Manager).
The BBMA web site is also being upgraded, and is expected to be up in its new form within a few days.
In the meantime, anyone interested in joining BBMA to support them as they support bluegrass music in Great Britain can contact Membership Secretary Trish Hockley by email.