Your favorite syndicated bluegrass radio shows are also featuring Christmas music this week on their shows. Into The Blue, hosted by our own Terry Herd, Knee Deep In Bluegrass, hosted by Cindy Baucom, and Unreal Bluegrass, hosted by Steve Martin, all have prepared special holiday fare for their listeners this week.
Two of these also have special guests to add to the Christmas spirit. Cindy traditionally has her husband, banjo icon Terry Baucom, on hand to co-host her Christmas show, and this year is no exception. Steve also has Becky Buller with him this week for Christmas.
All three of these programs run on a Sunday too Saturday schedule, so many affiliates have already aired these special shows, but you can check their web site for more information on when your local stations run them.
Many of the stations that carry these programs run it on Fridays or Saturdays, and a good number also stream concurrently online. Hard to think of a much better way to spend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day than listening to several hours of bluegrass Christmas music.