Mandolin Cafe and the Monroe Mandolin Camp have scheduled a two day, weekend mini-camp for mandolins only, billed as a Mini-Mon Camp.
It will be held April 4-5 at Nashville’s Station Inn, and no… it won’t feature a diminutive Bill Monroe impersonator. The faculty will include Monroe Mandolin Camp head Mike Compton, along with Lauren Price Napier, Jesse Brock, and Casey Campbell. The focus is on Monroe’s music, and his mandolin style.
This shorter camp is designed for mandolin players who want to go for the crash course, as opposed to the week long, multi-instrument extravaganza Compton hosts in September. Students will be able to take 5-6 classes over the two days, with camp sessions running from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 9:30 to noon on Sunday.
Topics slated to be covered are:
tremolo style, downstrokes, doublestops, building solos from chord voicings, slides, tunings, improvising, using traditional ideas to play contemporary sounds, music from the classic bluegrass band of the 1940’s through Bill’s Last Days on Earth
Registration for the Mini-Mon Camp is $250, and all ages and levels of ability are welcome.
Full details and a registration form can be found online.