Live concert DVD from Dailey & Vincent

For Dailey & Vincent fans, it’s no secret that catching them live is the best way to enjoy their music. Sure, their recordings demonstrate the duo’s stunning vocal abilities and arrangements, their knack for choosing – and writing – a good song, and the instrumental and singing skills of their fine band.

But it’s the live show that pulls it all together, with clever stage antics and a knack for entertaining adding to the high levels of musicianship we’ve all come to expect. So it seems only natural to learn that the next Dailey & Vincent project will be a live concert package.

They will shoot on September 13 at the Hylton Center in Manassas, VA for what is set to be a live audio CD, a concert DVD, and a public television special. Current plans are to record many of their biggest songs, plus a number of new ones as well.

Jamie Dailey tells us…

“I’ve been doing a lot of writing with Karen Staley who wrote several Faith Hill hits, and with Jeffery East, Jimmy Fortune and Bill Anderson.

We are excited to debut five or six brand new songs on the DVD.”

Jamie and Darrin are offering a special pre-sale window to their fans from June 27-30, before tickets go on sale to the general public on July 1. Details will be announced soon on their Facebook page.

While you’re there, be sure to check out Dailey’s post he calls, From Gainesboro to Carnegie. It tells of the band’s recent performance at Carnegie Hall in New York, accompanied by a 200 piece choir.

Here’s just a taste…

“The conductor directed me to begin. I sang the opening acapella verse solo before the band kicked in with the choral group singing at full voice. Darrin had the hardest job of any of us. Everyone including the chorus depended on him to hold the timing for all of us to sing the whole piece, all 208 of us! But like a real champ he pulled us through flawlessly. He IS one of the best bass players in our business and that part of our show helped drive my point home! It’s hard for us to explain the emotions we felt as the chorus sang their hearts and souls out. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. It stirred my soul.

At the end of the piece we all bowed our heads and the crowds response was extremely rewarding for all of us on stage. Darrin and I walked over to join the conductor for a bow to the audience before returning to our mic stands.

Here’s where it really gets fun! The conductor wanted us to sing an old bluegrass song entitled Black Eyed Susie. On the chorus part of the song he wanted the choral group to sing the “HEY’S! and HO’s.” The choral group LOVED this and they sang it with smiles on their faces and had huge fun with it as did we and our as did our audience. This concluded our encore and we left the stage with great applause behind us.

As we walked out the back door of this famous building I couldn’t believe what we had just been a part of and all I could do was thank our Lord and Savior for his blessings upon us.”

Jamie’s remembrance of this trip to New York also includes he and Darrin seeing Alison Krauss with Willie Nelson, and their visit to the American Swiss Foundation.

Read the whole thing.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.