Frank Baker was on hand this past weekend for a workshop and concert with the Little Roy & Lizzy Show in Newport, PA as part of the Mini-Mountain Laurel Concert Series.
In addition to Roy and Lizzy and their fine band (Al Hoyle, Lisa Hoyle and Nathan Stewart) the evening concert featured young guest fiddlers Autumn and Canyon Moore. Their mother, Debby Moore, shared a few words about her two talented offspring.
“The kids play quite often for a variety of different events: nursing homes, organizations (Lions Club, civics clubs, granges, etc.), bluegrass festivals, etc. Their most recent special invitation was to play for the PA State Farm Show Governor’s opening ceremonies. During this school year, they have played about 50 “concerts” so far…so, they keep pretty busy with it.
They played with Little Roy and Lizzy last spring at the Seven Mt. Bluegrass Association concert series. Autumn (10) and Canyon (9) had opened for that concert, and after hearing them, Little Roy asked them to join them on the stage.
Also, Autumn played with them at the Remington Ryde Bluegrass festival last July.”
Here are Frank’s photos.