Jesse McReynolds with his therapist at Sumner Regional Medical Center – photo by Joy McReynolds
We caught up this afternoon with Joy McReynolds to check on the status of her husband, Jesse. The mandolin legend was hospitalized in Nashville on September 20 and had emergency surgery to repair a ruptured aneurysm in his groin.
Doctors had initially listed his condition as serious, but Jesse came through the surgery just fine and is recovering and receiving therapy at Sumner Regional Medical Center in Gallatin.
Joy says that he is still weak, but that he can get out of bed with some help. Jesse apparently lost a lot of blood when the aneurysm burst.
The best news is that Joy says he has asked for his mandolin.
“He asked me to carry his mandolin in to him. The doctors think it’s the best therapy for him. And when he’s stronger, he may go to different hospital wings to play for other patients. God willing, he’d like to continue doing that even after he gets better.
He’s eating well, but he never had a huge appetite before. He likes me to bring him strawberry sundaes sometimes in the evening.”
He is doing rehab with a physical and occupational therapist while he gets his strength back.
It’s wonderful to see Jesse looking so well!
Cards and well wishes can be sent to:
Jesse McReynolds
c/o Sumner Regional Medical Center
#555 Hartsville Pike
Gallatin, TN 37066
We’ll stay in touch with Joy and keep an eye on his progress.
UPDATE 10/4 – Joy also said that she hopes that Jesse will be released to return home next week, but that he has another aneurysm that will need to be addressed in a few month’s time.
“Our doctor, Chad Swan, has been amazing and we will be following his instructions closely. He said Jesse should have died at home when it first hit, so we are just grateful to have Jesse a little longer.
And good Lord willing, he’ll be out, playing again, but not at a hectic pace.”
She also wanted to thank Buddy Griffin, Garrett McReynolds, and Larry Carney, plus members of Jesse’s church (Southside Baptist), who came and sat with Jesse so that Joy could get home and care for their pets. Jesse’s children, Randy and Gwen, and Jim’s daughter, Janeen, have been the biggest help of all.