Russell Moore has announced that he has officially hired Jerry Cole as bassist with IIIrd Tyme Out.
Jerry has been touring with the band for several months now since the group’s previous bass player, Blake Johnson, has been on medical leave suffering with serious kidney problems. Initially, it had been hoped that Blake would be able to return to performing with IIIrd Tyme Out, but he requires regular kidney dialysis and can not safely travel. He is currently awaiting a kidney transplant.
So with the best interests of a full-time band to consider, Russell has had to pull the string, and hired Cole full time, a musician he speaks of quite highly.
“Jerry is a very talented musician and hard worker. His placement of notes on the bass and his strong vocals are a great match and blend to the band’s sound. We’re all very excited about his inclusion in the group and welcome him with open arms! Our thoughts and prayers are, of course, still with Blake Johnson. We ask that everyone continue prayers and good thoughts for Blake in hopes that his health will improve and the dialysis treatments will become a thing of the past.”
Bluegrass fans will recognize Cole from his six years with Pine Mountain Railroad.
He is understandably excited to officially join such a prestigious act.
“Everyone has something they hope to accomplish in their profession. Sharing the stage and singing with Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out just happens to be at the top of my list! I consider it an honor and a blessing to join a group of genuinely good people who share the same passion for quality music as I do.”
Russell and IIIrd Tyme Out are now touring in support of their new album, It’s About Tyme.