IBMA Google group shuts down

ibmaThe International Bluegrass Music Association has operated a discussion group for many years, allowing members to converse openly about concerns and issues that are germane to the organization.

It started out as an email listserv when that was the reigning technology, and has since been moved to a Google group where messages can be sent, viewed, and responses posted either by email or in an online interface.

Discussions have been heated of late with members and both current and former Directors sharing their thoughts, complaints, and (unfortunately) invective concerning the issues that have been recently been before the Board. I’m referring primarily to the way the resignation of Nancy Cardwell was handled, questions about how the Board’s “no confidence” vote found its way to Bluegrass Today, and the issues that led several Board members to resign during November.

In any event, the conversation reached such a point that many subscribers felt it had become abusive, and the IBMA announced today that it would be shutting down the Google group for a time until a solution to the abusive content could be found.

For several months we have maintained a forum here at Bluegrass Today dedicated to discussions about the IBMA, and we welcome anyone who had been involved on the Google Group to join in the conversation here. We never allow abusive comments, and anything posted can be flagged as abusive by any reader. We trust that everyone involved will abide by our guidelines

You can always see what has been newly posted in the forum by following this link, which can also be found in the top right sidebar on each page.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.