Hands of Music

Hands of Music - Adam CarlosWe recently told you about The Bluegrass Painter and his work in and around bluegrass music. I liked the idea of artists who represent the music in their work and thought I’d share with you another wonderful artist in the world of bluegrass.

Adam Carlos is a Tennessee native who grew up in an artistic family. His dad only recently retired from a 37 year career teaching art at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN. Adam began as a photographer and then developed a love for drawing. He now depends on his art for his living as he pursues a full time career as an artist.

He is also a bluegrass musician who spends his free time playing mandolin when he’s not drawing. What is it with mandolin players and art? Does playing the mandolin somehow unleash a creative gene? Both of these artists are mandolin players!

Adam’s work, which he calls Hands of Music, is on display at the Nashville Airport through this Sunday, March 4th. If you have any reason to be in the airport, stop by the fine dining area and check out his drawings. Adam also attends a number of bluegrass festivals each year as a vendor, with a booth where you can view and purchase his artwork.

The Hands of Music series of drawings are also available for purchase on his website, either as originals, prints, or on tee-shirts.

Adam has written a thorough explanation of why he draws the hands of bluegrass musicians. If you like his work, you should read this.