Good news . . .

After our last NewzLetter about our new business venture, offers have been pouring in.  Kenny wants us to play at a neighbor’s birthday party and Regina specifically asked us not to play at hers.  Ford Motor Company contacted us about playing an event for GM and then called back and said “Never mind . . . they don’t need your ‘help’ . . .”.   Dick Cheney called about playing an event at the White House and Rush Limbaugh wants to book us on the “Oprah Show”.  But the good  news is that several bars and restaurants in downtown Baton Rouge have arranged for us to play at Dalton’s Downtown (,  244 Lafayette St. Baton Rouge, La  70801, 225-387-5081).  We’ll be there this Friday, June 5th starting at 8:00 after the Live After Five concert downtown.  So come on out for the Going Out of Busne . . . er ah . . . “big show” this Friday. 

It’s been noticed that several of our friends have not been out to see The Boyz perform since sometime during the Reagan Administration.  So without mentioning names (like Kenny O, Vince, Jim B, Mary D, Christine L, David P, Wendell W, Ramon, Butch, Stacey) we’d like to invite you to come and hear The (New And Improved) Fabulous Bagasse Boyz!  Don’t make us beg . . . again.
The Fabulous Bagasse Boyz
“Not ‘Yer Daddy’s Bluegrass . . .”