The editors of Fretboard Journal are trying their hand at internet radio. They’ve recently launched Fretboard Journal BlogTalkRadio.
The show is hosted by the editors of the magazine and will air live every Friday at 1PM PST. Each episode will be archived online for those who are unable to catch the show live. Of course, the talk will center around fretted instruments, mainly the guitar.
The first show, which aired April 3, 2009, features and interview with Martin Guitars historian John Woodland.
Featured guests for this episode: luthier John Woodland (describing the research he’s conducted on Martin guitars) and pedal steel guitarist Jon Rauhouse (Neko Case, Billy Bob Thornton’s Boxmasters). We also talk about the Fretboard Journal magazine and our new Spring 2009 issue featuring Clarence & Roland White.
It’s worth checking out if you’re into guitars. Just click the play button on the widget at the top of this post, and enjoy the show.