Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out have announced the newest member of the band, to start out the 2019 season.
Dustin Pyrtle, who recently stepped down as guitarist with Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, will be the new bass player with 3TO. Essentially, Russell and Doyle have traded tenor singers this month, with Jerry Cole going to Quicksilver on bass, and Dustin switching to bass for Russell.
Russell says that he has had his eye on Pyrtle for some time.
“I have been following Dustin’s career since he helped us out a few years ago when I was dealing with a really bad case of laryngitis. With the holiday season unfolding, ‘Santa Claus’ brought us a wonderful gift when Dustin agreed to take over the bass playing and harmony vocal position in the band. His obvious talent will be a joy to share the stage with, as well as his genuine good nature off stage, and I share in the excitement we all have for 2019!”
And Pyrtle is delighted to find himself working alongside another of his musical idols.
“I am thrilled to be part of this great band! Russell has always been a part of the reason I started listening to bluegrass all those years ago. Words can not describe the happiness I feel to know I am going to be part of this band and I’m looking forward to 2019 in a way I never expected!”
He will start with IIIrd Tyme Out on January 5 when they start the new year in Galax, Virginia at the Fairview Ruritan.
You can keep up with their busy schedule online.