Maryland’s Tom Mindte is celebrating 40 years with his record company, Patuxent Music. These past four decades he has recorded in his studio and released on his label some terrific music, much of it unlikely to have seen the light of day absent his involvement. In that number have been a good number of musicians featured years before they became prominent, and not a few legends.
His passion throughout has been music of interest and quality, and he has invested time and resources into dozens of artists who would not have attracted the attention of labels looking to the bottom line.
In celebration of this milestone, Tom has put together this video with images and video clips from most of those sessions.
Mindte also provided this list of people appearing in the video:
Tom Mindte
Bryan Mindte
Joe Meadows
Keegan Corbey
Danny Bentley
Patrick Greaney
Patuxent Partners
Victoria McMullen
Bryan Deere
Jack Leiderman
Mark Delaney
Jordan Tice
Warner Williams
Jay Summerour
Andy Martin
Eric Rhodes
Eleanor Ellis
Pearl Bailes
Tom Cox
Joel Bailes
Jeremy Stephens
Mike Baytop
Rick Franklin
Ericka Ovette
Ruby Hayes
Paul Pieper
Chuck Redd
Mark Dorman
Herb Smith
Kenny Rittenhouse
Danny Knicely
Nate Leath
Kimberly Fraser
Nat Smith
Mantis Greenhouse
Nate White
Merasi Troupe
Noam Pikelny
Casey Driessen
Andy Hall
Mark Schatz
Alex Hargreaves
Tatiana Hargreaves
Emma Beaton
Jessie Baker
Dudley Connell
Michael Cleveland
David McLaughlin
Marshall Wilborn
The Doerfels
Kim Doerfel
Ben Doerfel
TJ Doerfel
Eddy Doerfel
Joe Doerfel
Angelica Grim
Darren Beachley
Mike Auldridge
Norman Wright
Tom Gray
Brennen Ernst
Rusty Mason
Robert Redd
Steve Larrance
Ralph Gordon
Larry Coryell
John Colianni
Russ Carson
Dominick Leslie
Jake Stargel
Patrick McAvinue
Jared Gulliford
Taylor Baker
Ethan Hughes
Nate Grower
Sav Sankaran
Frank Wakefield
Tom Ewing
Bryan McDowell
Cory Piatt
Michael G. Stewart
Danny Paisley
Doug Meek
Eric Troutman
Mikey Ambrosino
Rick Franklin
Russ Hooper
Al Jones
Billy Hurt, Jr.
Robert Montgomery
C.J. Lewandowski
Kark Shiflett
Victor Furtado
Paul Brown
Randy Barrett
Keith Arneson
Joe Hermann
Doug McKelway
Kevin Church
Dick Smith
Bill Emerson
Fred Geiger
Scott Walker
John Brunschwyler
Reed Martin
Daniel Greeson
Pete Kuylendall
Tom Morgan
Justin Lees
Joshua Palmer
Ben Somerville
The Moon Trotters
Luke Barnhill
Isabella Gorman
Lauren Wasmund
Jan Knutson
Tommy Cecil
Billy Puckett
Paul Anastasio
Frank Maloy
Robbie Benzing
Corrina Rose Logston
Kurt Stephenson
Casey Campbell
P. J. George
Molly Rose Band
Lynwood Lunsford
Mark Hudson
David Lewis
Gary Baird
The Doerfels
Kim Doerfel
Ben Doerfel
TJ Doerfel
Eddy Doerfel
Joe Doerfel
Angelica Grim
Frank Solivan
John Miller
The Stonemans
Patsy Stoneman
Donna Stoneman
Roni Stoneman
Casey Driscoll
Jon Grisham
Chick Hall, Jr.
Dave Panzer
Steve Abshire
Paul Wingo
Dave Wundrow
John Escobar
Darren Beachley
Mike Auldridge
Norman Wright
Tom Gray
Brennen Ernst
Rusty Mason
Robert Redd
Steve Larrance
Ralph Gordon
Larry Coryell
John Colianni
Russ Carson
Dominick Leslie
Jake Stargel
Patrick McAvinue
Jared Gulliford
Taylor Baker
Ethan Hughes
Nate Grower
Sav Sankaran
Frank Wakefield
Tom Ewing
Bryan McDowell
Cory Piatt
Michael G. Stewart
Eli Wildman
Aila Wildman
Andrew Vogts
Mark Puryear
Mason Via
Paramount Jazz Orchestra
Marv Reitz
Big Howdy Bluegrass Band
Ira Gitlin
Dede Wyland
Tom McLaughlin
Billy Baker
Carroll Swam
Stefan Custodi
Dee Gunter
Danny Stuckeenschneider
Stephen Wade
Alex Lacquement
Zan McLeod
Jeff Scroggins
Tristan Scroggins
Greg Blake
Ellie Hakanson
Scott Vestal
Stu Geisbert
Willie Marschner
Five Mile Mountain Road
Danny Bureau
Seth Boyd
Caleb Duke Erickson
J. C. Radford
Esther Haynes
Sam Atkins
Eddie Ray Buzzini
Congratulations Tom and Patuxent Music!