The Claire Lynch Band is kicking their Holiday! tour into full gear this week, running through the end of next week. Featuring songs from last year’s CD by the same name, Claire and the guys have a string of concerts savoring the theme of Christmas music.
Upcoming shows featuring the Holiday! music include:
- December 5 – Davis Theatre; Concord, NC
- December 6 – The ArtsCenter; Carrboro, NC
- December 11 – Blackrock Center For The Arts; Germantown, MD
- December 12 – Cazenovia College; Cazenovia, NY
- December 13 – Sellersville Theater; Sellersville, PA
Specific venue, times, and ticket information can be found online.
And if you didn’t pick up a copy of Holiday! last year, it’s still a great idea for Christmas gift giving, or inclusion in your own library of seasonal music.