• Homespun Bluegrass releases new single

    Peg Elia of Homespun Bluegrass has released a new single available only on their website called "Grandma's Prayer". It's an inspirational recitation she wrote for her grandson while he was deployed in Iraq. If you have a loved

  • Bluegrass Returns to it’s Roots 2009

     I would like to invite everyone to a show that takes bluegrass back to it's glory days in Owensboro, Ky. The top artists in bluegrass music will perform in the 8th Annual "Bluegrass Returns to Its Roots Festival" at RiverPark Center

  • Amish Country Bluegrass Festival

    The Amish Country Bluegrass Festival will be on June 6, 2009.  It is located in Walnut Creek, OH and will feature Rhonda Vincent, Marty Rabon, Williams and Clark Expedition, the Moron Brothers, Nothin' Fancy, and the Hart Brothers.  The day

  • Dueling Banjos – a long overdue facelift

    What are some of the most popular movies among folks in the Appalachian mountains?  Thanks to Burt Reynolds, any film which involves football, NASCAR, bootlegging... and whitewater canoeing. Because of this, our band Steel String Session - a Bluegrass fusion band

  • Autographed Albums

    The other week I came across some autographed albums by Jim Greer and the Mac-O-Chee Valley Folks. Log Cabin Songs(2) Memories In Song Country Favorites Bluegrass In Ohio Gospel Singing Time This week I plan to add these albums to my digital collection.

  • Hopkins Hillbilly Hoedown

    Hello all, every year on the fourth i host a hoedown at the house to raise money for a selected local non profit organization. I throw the party for free and gladly accept donations towards the cause. This year its for

  • Infamous Stringdusters

    The Infamous Stringdusters will be playing in Roanoke at the Kirk Avenue Music Hall.    Showtime is March 4 at 8 p.m.  It should be a great show!