• The banjo’s African roots

    This afternoon's (7/10) Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU will include a segment at 1:30 p.m. (EDT) on the African roots of our beloved banjo. Kojo will welcome Malian musician Cheick Hamala Diabate and American banjoist Bob Carlin for a discussion, and

  • New C-Sky track online

    Bryan Simpson of Cadillac Sky just shot us a note with news about one of the songs on their upcoming CD, Gravity's Our Enemy, set for an August 19 Skaggs Family release. It's not really a single release, but one of

  • Dan Hays talking IBMA

    As many may be aware already, Kentucky-born Dan Hays is the Executive Director of the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) and has been in that position since August 1990. In a four-part collection of videos Hays discusses his career path, the

  • Cherryholmes in the NY Times

    Thanks go out to our friend Bill Evans, west coast banjoist and renowned instructor of the five string, for pointing us to this fine review of a free show by Cherryholmes in New York City's Madison Square Park this past

  • Dan Tyminski on WFDU

    Dan Tyminski will be the interview guest on this morning's (7/4) edition of Lonesome Pine RFD on WFDU-FM in the New York City market. Host Carol Beaugard caught up with Dan when he and his crack band were in

  • Rhonda live online

    Rhonda Vincent fans can catch two of her new live performances online. CMT.com's Unplugged at Studio 330 features an episode with five live-in-the-studio songs and a number of interview clips with Rhonda. They play Gotta Start Somewhere, Good Thing Going, The

  • Vote for Punch Brothers on ESPN

    Brance posted a few weeks back about the online fan poll on ESPN's Baseball Tonight web site to choose among nine new versions of the venerable diamond classic, Take Me Out To The Ballgame. The competition was arranged to mark the

  • Bluegrass surf music?

    Here's a video that's simply too precious for words... Our friend Dave Hollender found this on Dailymotion.com. It's a clip of Donna and Ronnie Stoneman from 40 plus years ago. Here how the clip is described at Dailymotion... "Here's a Bluegrass-Hullabaloo crossover performance:

  • Chapmans offer free track download

    The Chapmans are hoping to use the leverage of viral marketing to help promote their next recording project. They have a new single release, which is being offered as a free digital download online. The track is a remake of Redwood

  • Jayme Stone: Africa to Appalachia

    Following John's recent post concerning the upcoming release of Africa To Appalachia, the Los Angeles Times Music Blog conducted an interview with Jayme Stone recently. The interview was published last Thursday. The primary focus is an exploration of the connections between