• Claire Lynch profiled in Huntsville Times

    This past Sunday's edition of The Huntsville Times included a lengthy feature on Claire Lynch. She is a native of the Huntsville, AL area, where she lives still today. Occasioned by the release of her latest CD, New Day, the article

  • Blog author on WorldwideBluegrass this afternoon

    John Lawless, one of your authors here at Bluegrass Today, will be a guest on streaming Internet radio station WorldWideBluegrass.com today (7/14) at 4:30 p.m. (EDT). John will join Gracie Muldoon during her Muldoon In The Afternoon program, along with

  • Nickel Creek video online

    Nickel Creek fans can find video online of songs taken from recent live performances, posted on two different web sites. Three songs recorded at the Bonnaro Festival in June are available on the AT&T Blue Room site. Included are Scotch &

  • Interviews airing today

    Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike will be featured on Kyle Cantrell's Studio Special program on XM later today. An encore presentation of their interview and live performance in the XM studio will run at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon (7/13). Valerie

  • New IBMA newsletter online

    Many of the articles from the July/August issue of International Bluegrass, the official publication of the IBMA, can be found on the organization's web site. It is distributed by mail to all professional members, but not available in print otherwise. The

  • Online Instructional Video

    From time to time we have discussed various ventures that involved online video instruction for bluegrass music. The idea has a great deal of appeal to bluegrass instructors, and some are actively involved in providing such instruction. Three that come

  • Rebecca Hoggan profiled on Richmond.com

    Hit & Run Bluegrass' guitarist/vocalist, and Richmond VA native, is featured in an artist profile today on the Richmond.com web site. She discusses her influences, other musical interests and how she came to move from Virginia to Colorado six years

  • Wichita featured in Tennessean podcast story

    Our friend Wichita Rutherford is profiled and quoted in an article in today's online edition of Tennessean.com, the web version of Nashville's hometown newspaper, The Tennessean. Rutherford's podcast, 5 Minutes With Wichita, has become an Internet sensation, with bluegrass, pop