Cast your vote in the Wammies

WAMAThe Wammies, or Washington Area Music Awards, are a function of the Washington Area Music Association (WAMA). Each year the Wammies recognize significant achievements by Washington DC area musicians. Nominations and balloting come from the association’s membership.

This year’s awards, the 21st Annual, will be held at The State Theatre in Falls Church, VA on Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 8 PM EST. Tickets are available to both members and non-members of the association, and can be ordered online.

This year’s ballot can be viewed and submitted online. Voting is restricted to WAMA members only.

Our good friend Frank Solivan II wrote to tell us that one category of the awards is open to voting by non-members, the Fan’s Favorite Award. Frank is nominated this year for Bluegrass vocalist of the year, Instrumentalist of the year, and Album of the year. Congrats Frank! And good luck.

UPDATE 1-11-07: Sometimes contributor here on Bluegrass Today, Kip Martin, is also nominated for a number of Wammie Awards. Kip is included in two Album of the year nominations in the bluegrass category, and one in the country category. He’s also involved in a band (One Horse Town) that is nominated for a New Artist of the Year award. He’s also involved as a bass player on projects that are nominated in several categories. Congrats and good luck Kip!