When you scrape a knee or cut your finger, do you think bluegrass?
Well that’s what Mary Eddy of Parkersburg, WV did when she learned that Band-Aid was running a video contest. She grabbed up her bluegrass picking sons, Jake and Carter, and following the contest rules, they recorded a quick video of the three of them singing the Band-Aid Stuck On Me jingle.
And they won!
The contest was open from April 14-May 26 and video submissions were received from all across the US. The public was invited to pick their favorite from the Band-Aid Facebook page, and when the votes were counted, The Eddys came out on top. They received a $10,000 Wal-Mart gift card from Band-Aid, and the video entry was posted on the company’s Facebook page.
Mary tells us that someone sent her a link to the contest, and suggested that they enter. She did, and they took first prize.
Jake (on banjo) is 14, and has been playing about six years. Little brother Carter (on mandolin) is 10, and has been at it for three years. Mother Mary, who plays guitar, says that they all love bluegrass, and play as often as they can. The boys play with her at church and they all play whenever the opportunity arises.
Jake is especially keen on picking, and has his own Facebook page for his interest in bluegrass.
Congratulations to the Eddys on their major award!