• Closing Notes from Raleigh

    IBMA 2013 will always be remembered as the year Tony Rice spoke. But there were plenty of other noteworthy events that deserve to be featured. Here are some of them: RHONDA’S BACK. After a long hiatus, Rhonda Vincent was back at

  • Who Needs Nashville?

    Seriously, who needs Nashville? I was among those not thrilled when IBMA packed up and moved World of Bluegrass from Nashville to Raleigh, N.C. The annual awards show taking place somewhere other than the historic Ryman? Unthinkable. The yearly business conference being held

  • Steve Martin and Jens Kruger at IBMA

    On Saturday afternoon, as World of Bluegrass was circling the drain, David Morris caught up with Steve Martin and Jens Kruger to discuss Jens being named the 2013 recipient of the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Bluegrass

  • The Night Grown Men Cried

    It was the night you could have heard a pin drop. The night grown men cried. The night Tony Rice spoke, in a normal voice, for the first time in nearly two decades. There were many awards presented to many deserving recipients on

  • Weisberger Elected IBMA Chairman

    Veteran songwriter and bass player Jon Weisberger was elected chairman of IBMA’s board of directors today, as the World of Bluegrass conference got underway in Raleigh, N.C. Weisberger, who had been co-chairman, replaces Stan Zdonik, who was chairman for three years

  • Bluegrass, Alan Jackson Style

    Alan Jackson isn't the first country artist to give bluegrass a try now that country music is morphing into pop, and he most certainly won't be the last. But by giving it a shot, he's giving bluegrass a shot in

  • For IBMA, New Venue, New Leadership

    IBMA will kick off its first World of Bluegrass conference in Raleigh with new leadership. A new chairman will be elected by the board of directors Tuesday morning, the first full day of conference activities. While other candidates will be discussed,