Adam Chaffins to Deadly Gentlemen

Adam ChaffinsThe Deadly Gentlemen have announced that Adam Chaffins has joined the band on bass, replacing founding member Sam Grisman who is relocating from the Boston area to Nashville. He will also be helping out with vocals in the band.

Adam is a Kentucky native, and a 2010 graduate of Morehead State University where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Music. He had previously worked with Belfry Fellows and a number of other traveling acts.

Chaffins joins Greg Liszt on banjo, Stash Wyslouch on guitar, Mike Barnett on fiddle and Dominick Leslie on mandolin.

The band shared this statement about the change…

After several unforgettable years of performing, recording, and traveling the world, bassist Sam Grisman is leaving the Deadly Gentlemen to pursue other musical outlets in his new home of Nashville, TN. We wish him all the best, and we will certainly miss him and his unique, soulful musicianship. It has been an amazing run!

Luckily, we have found an absolutely brilliant replacement, and we will be carrying on much stronger than ever. We are so happy to announce that the unbelievable Adam Chaffins will be joining the Deadly Gentlemen as a permanent member, effective right away.

Adam is equally psyched about the move.

“Joining the DG is a very exciting opportunity for me. It’s not often you get asked to be apart of something you were previously a fan of. I’m excited for the future of the group and what we’ll be able to do together.”

Adam’s first show will be on December 6 when the Gentlemen perform in Fairbanks, AK. You can follow their tour schedule online.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.