Honoring Lester Flatt in Congress

Lester Flatt and Bill MonroeU.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis of Tennessee has introduced a resolution honoring Lester Flatt.

On June 25 Mr. Davis, supported by 10 other members of the House of Representatives, introduced his resolution in recognition of Tennessee native Flatt and his singular legacy in American music.

The resolution begins as follows:

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Lester Flatt has made an invaluable contribution to American art as both a songwriter and a performer, leaving an indelible legacy in bluegrass music.

The full text of the resolution can be found on the Flatt and Scruggs Preservation Society blog.

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About the Author

Richard Thompson

Richard F. Thompson is a long-standing free-lance writer specialising in bluegrass music topics. A two-time Editor of British Bluegrass News, he has been seriously interested in bluegrass music since about 1970. As well as contributing to that magazine, he has, in the past 30 plus years, had articles published by Country Music World, International Country Music News, Country Music People, Bluegrass Unlimited, MoonShiner (the Japanese bluegrass music journal) and Bluegrass Europe. He wrote the annotated series I'm On My Way Back To Old Kentucky, a daily memorial to Bill Monroe that culminated with an acknowledgement of what would have been his 100th birthday, on September 13, 2011.