I have long believed that The Farewell Drifters had a flair for publicity, but seeing baby boys of two founding members born heading into IBMA week is clearly the topper. Arranging all that takes us into an area of examination best left alone.
Be that as it may, I’ll let guitarist Zach Bevill introduce the newest members of the Drifters’ families.
“Jackson Weaver Bevill was born to me and my wife Marna Jane on September 23. Five days earlier, on September 18 – Joshua Britt and his wife Lisa actually welcomed their baby boy, Colter Jayne Britt, into the world! It is so cool to know that our boys will grow up together.
Bluegrassers may find interest in Colt’s middle name, Jayne, named after the late Mitch Jayne of the Dillards. Joshua is a big fan of Mitch’s musicianship, but also his hilarious emcee work and wonderful books.
My son, Jackson was actually due next Tuesday, on the day of our official showcase for IBMA, so I was sweating a bit. I was counting on the fact that most babies aren’t actually born on their due date, and it worked out!”
Congratulations to Zach and Marna, and Joshua and Lisa!