Edgar Loudermilk, his daughters, and his friends spend a lot of time fishing with a goal in mind – the Wednesday night fish fry at the Brown County Bluegrass Festival. It was a smashing success this year! A packed house sat down to a potluck/fish supper. Monday evening saw a chili cookoff, Tuesday a southern bean supper. Thursday afternoon kicks off three big days of stage shows.
Elijah Doty will once again provide the sound system. He travels with Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers as their sound tech and also does several festivals.
Head to the Brown County Fairgrounds in Georgetown, Ohio to see some of your favorite local, regional, and national bluegrass stars including host act, The Edgar Loudermilk band.
Thursday features Lorraine Jordan and the Lonesome River Band, along with the Peach Mountain Boys, Pinnacle Ridge, and Duly Noted.
Friday brings Carolina Road and Rhonda Vincent & the Rage, plus Creekwater Collective, Harbourtown, and Catahoula Drive.
Saturday closes out the festival with Hammertowne, Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out, and the Edgar Loudermilk Band, along with Creekwater Collective and Catahoula Drive.
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