We’ve told you in the past about our friend Wichita Rutherford and the band he plays in, Van Heffer. As you may recall Wichita podcasted the entire video in 5 minute episodes earlier this year. Now it seems that somebody got ahold of a DVD copy and put the entire thing up on YouTube.com. Many people would be upset if someone did that to their product, video or recording. In light of the recent discussions on this site concerning copyright issues I wondered what Wichita thought of the development.
When asked his thoughts on the posting of the movie Wichita has this to say:
Them kids today, bless their little hearts. They fly around on the internet and listen to their music so loud, and they all got them iPods and stuff. I think its wonderful. I’m not mad or anything, its just the way of the ‘new music economy.’ They’re telling me its a ‘Viral Video’ now. Its good for folks to be able see what you’re proud of and what you’ve done. Besides, we weren’t selling the thing in the first place. I’ve even got a link to it over at my blog over at WichitasBlog.com.
In case you missed it, Wichita does have his own blog, where you can read his thoughts about what he calls The Bluegrass Way. Give him a visit.