When the muse strikes, a true artist follows wherever it leads. And if that means two albums in a single year, that’s where it goes.
Prolific singer/songwriter Donna Hughes has that very plan for 2014. Since her last project in 2010, she has written a bundle of songs, and she spent time in April recording 25 of them at Hilltop Studios, along with four more from others’ pen. These will be portioned out into two new CDs.
From The Heart will focus on bluegrass, with Donna supported by the talents of Scott Vestal on banjo, Tim Stafford and Lucas White on guitar, Cory Piatt on mandolin, Rob Ickes on reso-guitar, Zak McLamb on bass, and Jenee Fleenor on fiddle. The second album, Fly, will be piano-based, with Hughes on keys, John Catchings on cello, Mark Fain on bass, and Fleenor again on fiddle.
To give an overview of this ambitious two-record schedule for this year, and encourage fans to help finance the projects, Donna created this video for her Indiegogo crowd sourcing campaign.
More details on release dates, etc, are expected soon.