Bluegrass Unlimited has been a staple of the bluegrass industry for over 40 years. I’ve browsed back issues and eagerly read new issues right along with the rest of the bluegrass world. Until today, I didn’t know the backstory of how the magazine came to be.
The Fauquier Times-Democrat newspaper, in Warrenton, Va, is running a story in today’s paper detailing the story of how/why Pete Kuykendall began the magazine all those years ago as a newsletter, whose annual subscription rate was $3. Considering the increased content and the inflation over 40+ years, I’d say the current subscription rate of $25 is a bargain indeed.
With the world changing drastically around us, bluegrass music continues to thrive, and so has Bluegrass Unlimited.
“If you had asked me 10 years ago about the future of Bluegrass Unlimited, I would have said it would be dead by now," said Kuykendall. "But we are still healthy, and bluegrass music continues to grow."
Thanks Pete for helping the music grow, and for keeping us all reading for all this time.