• Kim Robins calling it quits

    Bluegrass singer/songwriter Kim Robins has announced her intention to dissolve her 40 Years Late band, and come off the road. Hers is a story that will be familiar to a good many bluegrass artists. Kim Brummett was a popular vocalist as a

  • Josh Woods to Kim Robins

    Josh Woods has been announced as the new banjo player with Kim Robins & 40 Years Late. He lives in Indianapolis and grew up on the music of The Boys From Indiana. Robins released her first CD, 40 Years Late, earlier this

  • Kim Robins – 40 Years Late

    “I started writing in 2007 and decided to put my songs on a demo CD. The engineer thought we had something special so we contacted some musician friends of mine and the CD was born. The title of the album