Silver Dollar City has put out the call for bluegrass pickers and singers. They plan to assemble a band to perform at the park in Branson, MO from April through November this year.
The entertainment team is not interested in existing bands; they are just looking to speak with individuals at this time. These jobs are not yet posted online, so there is no word on the rate of pay.
These sorts of positions are ideal for college students interested in a career in bluegrass performance. Typically Silver Dollar City is only open on weekends in April and May, expanding to all week once the weather allows, and school is out.
Though it hasn’t been specified, theme parks often hire enough players to compose two bands working different schedules to allow them to offer the music attraction during all open hours.
For audition and further details, please contact Mike Hefley by email. He is primarily interested in musicians who can commit to the full 2025 run.
Good luck!