Mountain Home Music has another single for The Gina Furtado Project, one the banjo player and band leader wrote about an uncomfortable interaction she experienced in her personal life.
Riding is an introspective look at her own interior sentiments when something unexpected came her way. Gina has become known for her deeply intimate lyrics, and this one definitely fits the bill.
Furtado explained a bit about what made her write this song.
“One of my favorite things about songwriting is that it can be so magical in making sense of things. The process of writing about difficult situations often seems to produce the answers I was looking for. That was the case with Riding. I was confused, angry, and sad because a stranger mistreated me in a very big way for no reason at all. I sat down with a guitar and the song all but wrote itself.
Once it was finished, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and gratitude. Even understanding. Forgiveness feels good on both ends.
As a great poet once put it… ‘It blesses him that gives, and him that takes.'”
This time Gina is on guitar instead of banjo, with her sisters Malia on fiddle and Lu on bass, and Wayne Benson on mandolin. The Furtado sisters add harmony.
Have a listen…
Riding is available now from popular download and streaming services online, and to radio programmers via AirPlay Direct.