Earlier this year Randy Kohrs was a guest on the Rachael Ray Show as she considered the kitchen at his recording studio to be one of The Coolest Kitchens in America. The kitchen is styled as a 1950’s diner.
Kohrs’ Slack Key Studios is in the media once again this month as EQ Magazine makes it the subject of a monthly atricle Room with a VU.
The studio has gone through some massive renovations this year including the construction of new isolation booths, amp rooms, and more. Featured in the October issue of EQ, the article focuses on the equipment in the studio, and Kohrs philosophy of putting together a top-notch “home studio” environment. Kohrs’ focus on quality resulted in a recent Grammy win for the production of Jim Lauderdale’s CD, The Bluegrass Diaries.
Kohrs gives advice to those wishing to improve their home recording facility. His message is focus on quality.
One stereo signal chain that sounds amazing is much better than having five that sound terrible.
The article is on page 72, in the October issue of EQ Magazine, which is available at newsstands now.