More photos from the final Wayne Henderson Festival

Brad Paisley plays his Henderson guitar as Wayne Henderson looks on – photo © G. Nicholas Hancock

Here is another gallery of Nick Hancock’s images from the 30th and final Wayne C. Henderson Music Festival and Guitar Competition at the Grayson Highlands State Park in southwest Virginia. They include some photos of the performance by Brad Paisley, who performed at this last event when Wayne told him it was the only way he could get a Henderson guitar.

For three decades Wayne has raised money for youth scholarships at his festival, and to date $502,950 have been awarded.

Well done, Wayne Henderson!

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About the Author

Nicholas Hancock

Nicholas Hancock is a former newspaper writer and editor who also played rhythm guitar in The Bluegrass Gentlemen from 1968 through mid-1974. Today, he is retired and enjoying his hobby of photographing bluegrass and other music events.