Lonesome Banjo Chronicles features Pattie Hopkins Kinlaw

Pattie Hopkins KinlawThe world of online podcasting continues to provide opportunities for folks with something to say, to say it to the wider community at a minimum of expense and trouble. A microphone, a computer, and an online connection is all that one needs to get started, with multiple syndication networks available at a very low cost, offering simple pathways to iTunes and other podcast aggregators, and a variety of systems for selling and including advertising in these broadcasts.

Though there are many thousands of shows available, covering pretty much every imaginable topic, point of view, or personality, many people have never warmed to the notion of receiving these podcasts. Essentially, podcasts are audio recordings that can be automatically delivered to your phone or other online-capable device as they are released. People who travel on public transport are often avid podcast consumers, with as much as several hours of daily commuting time to occupy on a train or bus.

Chances are your favorite professional comedian has a show, usually free of charge, with the opportunity to obtain more frequent episodes by paying a small monthly fee. News commentators, television and radio personalities, and authors often have a podcast as well, with some generating regular downloads in the millions. Appearing on these shows is now a required part of promotion for new movies, television programs and pop music recordings.

We’ve written before about the few podcasts dedicated to bluegrass and acoustic music, like Justin Moses’ CosMoses program, and Tim Shelton’s Tim Shelton Show, both dedicated to discussion of musical topics in our world. Both are offered at no subscription cost, and you can sign up for regular delivery online, or simply peruse and listen at your leisure.

Another we’ve recently discovered is Lonesome Banjo Chronicles, produced by friend and occasional correspondent to Bluegrass Today, Brian Swenk, banjo player with North Carolina’s Big Daddy Love. His area of interest is the jamband world, and progressive acoustic music and politics.

Brian has invited us to share one of his recent episodes, which focuses on fiddler Pattie Hokins Kinslaw, fiddler and vocalist with Hank, Pattie, and The Current. Her partner in this group is banjo picker Hank Smith and they play modern, somewhat experimental acoustic music using the bluegrass ensemble format.

Her discussion with Brian ranges from her background learning to play as a child, through her discovery of bluegrass and old time fiddle, to her current collaboration with Smith and their band.

Visit Brian’s podcast web site to sample more of his conversations with jamband artists and personalities, and subscribe if it strikes your fancy.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.