The 2008 Christmas special from Knee Deep In Bluegrass, hosted by Cindy and Terry Baucom, is now available to radio stations worldwide. Each year, this 2 hour special is offered to any station free of charge, not only to the 76 affiliates who air the show weekly. It can be downloaded online and broadcast at each station’s discretion.
The 2008 show features interviews with Blue Highway, Alison Brown, Steep Canyon Rangers, Vince Gill and The Infamous Stringdusters along with Christmas bluegrass music from Bill Monroe, Rhonda Vincent, Josh Williams, Ricky Skaggs and many others.
To get the download, the stations should contact Premiere Radio Networks (818-377-5300) for a user name and password.
More details on the 2008 Knee Deep In Bluegrass Christmas Special can be found online.