We’ve posted twice recently about James King’s health issues of late, and while a complete recovery is expected, it appears that he may need some time to get his strength back following gall bladder surgery and treatment for liver problems. King remains hospitalized at this point, with no certain release date.
As you knew they would, James’ friends have established a medical relief fund to help with the many expenses surrounding his hospitalization and transport, and the loss of income from missing several week’s work.
Funds for this account can be accepted at any SunTrust Bank, and checks can be sent by mail.
Here is the official announcement:
A special bank account has been established at SunTrust Bank to help our Grammy-nominated friend James King, The Bluegrass Storyteller. This account has been set up to help James with expenses incurred because of his illness and to help with his loss of wages during his extended hospital stay. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated. All friends and fans are encouraged to help James.
He needs to focus all of his time and energy on getting better and not have to worry about extra expenses and everyday bills at this time. Here are the details about the account if anyone wants to deposit directly into the account at any SunTrust Bank:
C/O Brenda A. Young/ James L. McMillan
James King Donation Fund
3774 Oak Level Rd.
Bassett, VA 24055
Ask for the deposit receipt and forward to the above address for a written acknowledgement and thank you card, please.
Donations may also be mailed to that same address and an acknowledgement and thank you card will be sent to each contributor. If anyone makes a donation by mail they can feel free to include any well wishes or words of cheer for James.
Let’s help get the Storyteller back on his feet so he can use his God-given singing talent again.
Over the years, James has been the first to donate his time and support to those in need. Your Prayers and Support for James are needed and greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support.
If you’ve enjoyed James King’s music over the years, here’s a fine way to show your appreciation.