Introducing Highland Travelers

What do you get when you take three Boxcars and put them together with a dose of Ramblers Choice?

According to Adam Steffey, you end up with Highland Travelers, a new band announced just this week.

Following the breakup of The Boxcars last year and the impending dissolution of Ramblers Choice, the traditional bluegrass world has been plunged into a degree of mourning not seen since The Bluegrass Album Band stopped touring together. Whatever will we do without our favorite groups, and what will these talented gentlemen do now that their chief performance vehicles are no more?

Well, Adam has joined together with Keith Garrett and Gary Hultman, fellow former Boxcars, and Jason Davis and Kameron Keller from Ramblers Choice to create Highland Travelers. The band has already signed with Mountain Fever Records in Virginia, and will get to work recording there as soon as possible with Aaron Ramsey behind the console. A release by this summer is anticipated for their debut project.

Garrett is among the chief songwriting talents in our business, so they aren’t likely to be hard pressed for material.

Jim Roe and Roe Entertainment will represent the Travelers, and Adam says they can’t wait to get out there and pick for everyone.

Steffey says there is no sinister backstory involving the new group and the breakup of Junior Sisk’s band or The Boxcars. They all just like making music together, live fairly close to one another, and with all of them free (or soon to be), it seemed like a natural progression.

The band is so new that there is no web site up yet, but we can expect to find a Facebook page quite soon that will post details about the group and the upcoming album.

We look forward to hearing what Highland Travelers has to say.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.