Merle Hazard is a clever Nashville songwriter and performer who has moved into the drastically underserved market of economic explication. No longer must we wait for an upbeat folk song about the Greek debt crisis, or the twin fears of inflation and deflation.
Along with his partner, Bretton Woods, Merle puts together these little ditties which will aid in your understanding of world financial issues, and get your toes to tapping at the same time.
This latest incorporates a number of Nashville’s top bluegrass artists in a Hee-Haw-themed number that looks at the current Federal Reserve policy of maintaining what many feel are artificially low interest rates. Watch and learn as Hazard asks How Long (Will Interest Rates Stay Low)?, assisted by Tammy Rogers on fiddle, Trey Hensley on guitar, Alison Brown on banjo.
Don’t worry if you don’t get all the jokes. Nobody else does either, unless they’ve made a study of the dismal science of economics.
A tip of the cap to Mr. Hazard.