Gospel Favorites from Dr Ralph and Nathan Stanley

For fans of the late Ralph Stanley, here’s something that will cheer your heart as your reflect on his passing last year.

His grandson, Nathan, who performed with Dr. Stanley in his later years, has released a new album of Gospel Favorites recorded with his grandfather before he became too ill to perform in early 2016. The project was actually released in April of 2016, but never offered through typical music distribution channels. Nathan said they only sold it at live shows.

It features Nathan singing lead, supported by The Clinch Mountain Boys on 10 Gospel standards, with Dr. Ralph singing tenor on the choruses. He also takes the lead on the a capella version of Gloryland, accompanied by Dan and Judy Marshall who sang at his funeral just a few months later.

Songs on the album include:

  • Where Could I Go But To The Lord
  • Will The Circle Be Unbroken
  • Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
  • I’ve Just Begun To Live
  • Flowers For Mother
  • Bye And Bye
  • Gloryland
  • I Saw The Light
  • Rank Stranger
  • Be Looking For Me

Nathan tells us that this was his grandfather’s final recording, captured at Maggard Sound in Big Stone Gap, VA.

Gospel Favorites is still not available online or in stores, but it can be ordered directly from Nathan through his Stanley Music Group. To get a copy, call them at (615) 491-2074, or email them. Nathan will even autograph it for you.

Any serious fan or collector of Ralph Stanley’s music will want a copy of this last project, especially since distribution is limited.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.