We heard from Jeff Miller last week, host of the Flashpoint Bluegrass Radio Show, that he plans to bring the show to an end after this month. Jeff is well, and the show has remained popular this past seven and a half years, but he says that he wants to finish it off before it starts to feel like work.
Miller launched the show with WorldWideBluegrass back in 2016, and when that platform closed down, he moved over to The Bluegrass Jamboree. During its course the show has also been syndicated via Bel lBuckle Radio, SSB Radio, and Bluegrass Planet Radio. Jeff tells us that at one point it could be heard for 27 hours each week on these various stations.
But all good things must come to an end, and July 3, 2024 will be his final live broadcast.
Jeff says that he is grateful to everyone that has helped keep him on the air during this time.
“This show has been a great ride. There has been so much wonderful music brought forth since 2016. It’s been a pleasure to point people to the great new things, and to look back to the wonderful songs of the past. We all survived quarantine together, and for some of us, the radio was our major point of social connection during a very isolated time.
I’m thankful to have been a part of the bluegrass community – and that part isn’t over. It’s been a joy and privilege to meet and get to know a lot of the creators of the music. I’m thankful to them for sharing their gifts and time with all of us.
I think there were some 700 or so interviews over the run of the show, and those were wonderful moments. I’m also highly indebted to everyone who gave me a chance and tuned in to listen each week. There’s no way I can say thank you enough to them.
For the month of June, we’re going to be in continual celebration mode as we wind down.”
But this won’t be the end of Miller’s time in bluegrass. He says that he feels certain that he will remain active in various creative pursuits.
“It’s just a matter of managing time and energy, and who knows what the future may hold? I’m open to ideas!”
Congratulations to Jeff for his seven and a half year run with Flashpoint Bluegrass Radio!