DRY BRANCH FIRE SQUAD has been entertaining bluegrass music fans for about 40 years now with their magnificent “on the edge” traditional bluegrass music in company with a boat load of good old fashioned humor — a delightful combination.
August 18, 2017 (Friday), show time at 8:00 pm (doors open at 7:00 pm), info/resv: 703-435-8377, admission: $15 (fifteen) – children 12 and younger admitted free, barrier and smoke free facility, light snack service.
HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH, 1090 Sterling Road (one block off Elden Street), Herndon, Virginia 20170
Friday, Aug. 18
Fri. Aug. 18th: 8pm - 10pm
Weekend Bluegrass Concert Series – Dry Branch Fire Squad
1090 Sterling Road
(one block off Elden Street)
Herndon, Virginia, 20170Cost: