Weekend Pass $70/ Thurs Only $25/ Fri Only $25/ Sat Only $30
3 Day ALL GOSPEL Bluegrass Festival including: The New Tradition Reunion with Danny Roberts, Daryl Mosley, Richie Dotson, Jamie Clifton, PLUS The King James Boys, The Marksmen, The Gospel Plowboys, Caleb & Abby Lindsey, The Purple Hulls, The Paul Family, Chosen Road, Lonesome Ridge Bluegrass, The Blake Brothers, Gent Mtn Grass Burs and more
Thursday, May. 25 - Saturday, May. 27
Thu. May. 25th: 12pm - 11pm
Fri. May. 26th: 12pm - 11pm
Sat. May. 27th: 12pm - 11pm
Physical Event:
26th Annual Bluegrass Gospel Festival @ Salmon Lake Park Grapeland, TX247 Salmon Lake Road
Grapeland, Texas, 75844Cost: