Cindy Baucom celebrates 1,000th edition of Knee Deep In Bluegrass

Last month, Cindy Baucom celebrated the thousandth show of Knee Deep in Bluegrass, her syndicated radio show that is aired by over one hundred radio stations, and enjoyed by thousands of loyal bluegrassers weekly. “As I reached this milestone with the syndicated show, I felt great gratitude toward all the network affiliate radio stations who have partnered with me to share the show with their listeners every week. I would not have a national show without  the outlets to present it. I am also very thankful for the listeners who tune-in to the show.”

Knee Deep in Bluegrass went into syndication July 4, 2003, and ever since Cindy’s been playing the best in bluegrass. This momentous occasion was no exception. 

Just like it has for the past nineteen years, Knee Deep in Bluegrass by Cindy’s husband, Terry Baucom, opened the show and segued right into her introduction where she laid out the playlist for the first hour of show number one thousand. Here in the Country, the title cut from Terry Baucom’s Dukes of Drives’ latest album, kicked the show off perfectly. It was followed by Make Me a Pallet on the Floor by the Kruger Brothers, and a congratulations by Uwe Kruger to end the first segment.

Segment two included Dailey and Vincent, an interview with Jeremy Stephens where Cindy and Jeremy discussed his single, Could I Knock on Your Door, and she closed the set out with a Doyle Lawson and Alan Bibey instrumental and a show promo from Alan.

The third segment featured two songs written by the great Paul Williams and an interview Cindy caught with him at CroweFest. Paul talked about the many classic bluegrass songs that he had the opportunity to write as a teenager like My Brown Eyed Darlin’. The Lonesome River Band finished segment three out with Down the Line. Hour one concluded with Russsell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out’s Pretty Little Girl from Galax, Cindy’s favorite Tim Stafford song, Midwestern Town, recorded by Ronnie Bowman, and between the two, Cindy featured an interview with David Davis. They discussed David’s latest album, which is a tribute to Charlie Poole. “He’s the ‘Grandfather of Bluegrass Music,’ in my opinion,” David told Cindy. The two share a fascination over the major influence Charlie Poole had on the music, and his monumental success as such a young artist in just a short, five year period.

Hour two launched in with a show promo from Jens Kruger and a second song from the Kruger Brothers, Don’t Think Twice. Cindy followed this up with another song from the Dukes of Drive’s latest album on which she sings lead, The Table. Then it was onto the final interview of show one thousand with none other than David Parmley. The first topic of conversation was David’s current single, All Dressed Up, and his return to the music business. After Cindy played the new single, she brought up the Bluegrass Cardinals reunion shows. “We’re having a blast doing that,” David shared. “Darrell Adkins is kinda the reason that we’re doing it; he wanted us to do a show at the MACC.” David went on to say how much fun it had been getting back together with Randy Graham, Larry Stephenson, and Mike Hartgrove; he also mentioned that they had about half a dozen reunion shows lined up for next year as well. To close out this set, Cindy played Mountain Laurel by the Bluegrass Cardinals.

Set seven featured Alan Bibey and Grasstowne, the No Joke Jimmy’s, and Edgar Loudermilk. Dan Tyminski began segment eight with a show promo and Church Street Blues from his EP tribute to Tony Rice. Rhonda Vincent followed with Bluegrass Island, and Bob Miner closed out with Ginseng Sullivan.

Knee Deep in Bluegrass show number one thousand ended with a third song from Terry Baucom and the Dukes of Drive, Thumbin’ Down. And that concludes the thousandth show of Knee Deep in Bluegrass; fantastic songs from bluegrass’s best and fabulous interviews, all with one of the best and most respected broadcasters in all of the bluegrass world, Cindy Baucom. 

Nineteen years ago when Knee Deep in Bluegrass went into syndication, Cindy set out to present bluegrass music in the most proficient way possible. Her passion has always been sharing the music she loves with as many folks as possible; she also seeks to present the music in a professional light by showcasing the very best that bluegrass has to offer in songs, instrumentals, and interviews.

Even before KDIB, Cindy applied this same passion and determination to her radio and announcing career, presenting bluegrass on the highest level, and these qualities eventually caught the attention of Ed Lowe and the John Boy and Billy network. They had the idea to syndicate a bluegrass show of their own, which Ed Lowe asked Cindy to host. “He had heard me on-the-air, and saw me performing on stage, and approached me about a national radio show that focused on bluegrass music and its artists. Since that had been my passion, I immediately jumped at the opportunity,” Cindy explained. This set into motion a roughly five month process where Cindy worked with a producer to develop the initial format for Knee Deep in Bluegrass.

She had complete control over the creative aspects of the show, such as song selection and interview guests, from the very beginning. “When the show first went into national syndication, I had a long range plan for longevity, but one truly never knows if all factors will work together to keep it going,” she commented.

Knee Deep in Bluegrass show number one aired on July 4, 2003 with 28 network affiliates; now Cindy has over a hundred, is heard weekly from coast to coast and internationally, and has celebrated her one thousandth show!

As the queen of bluegrass broadcasting herself says, “I love my work. And as industry changes occur in both bluegrass and broadcasting, I am excited to work toward the next thousand Knee Deep In Bluegrass radio shows!”

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About the Author

Ellie Smith

Ellie Smith is a recent high school graduate from Wilkes, NC, for whom writing and bluegrass are two top passions. She loves to write research and biographical papers about bluegrass artists, broadcasters, and the history of the music. She is headed to ETSU where she will major in bluegrass production, and minor in creative writing. She has been accepted into the honors college for writing.