Chris Jones: First single from Cloud Of Dust

Chris Jones & The Night Drivers - Cloud Of DustThe first single from Cloud Of Dust, the upcoming CD from Chris Jones & The Night Drivers, has been released online.

This will be his first band project in quite a few years, with Ned Luberecki on banjo, Mark Stoffel on mandolin, and Jon Weisberger on bass.

It’s a song Chris wrote, The Love She Left Behind, recorded with his road band, and featuring harmony vocals from Darrin Vincent and Chris’ charming and talented wife, Sally Jones.

Chris agreed to let us stream the single here, and shared a few words about the song.

The Love She Left Behind –  Listen now:    []

“Probably the most common question of any songwriting workshop (and usually the first question) is: ‘Do you write the words or the music first?’ I think people keep asking this question because songwriters, myself included, never give a very satisfying answer to it, usually saying that it depends, or that it’s usually never one or the other.

Well, in the case of this song, I can actually say that I had only a rough concept of what the song was about, then wrote all the music and added the words later. There. Thanks for coming to the workshop. Be sure to catch our show on the main stage at 8:30.

Darrin Vincent and my wife Sally did a wonderful job on the harmony vocals, and Mike Witcher played great dobro on this. Mike played a European tour with us a couple of years ago, and he also doubled as the photographer for the project (he does great work by the way, which you  can check out on his web site.”

Download purchase of The Love She Left Behind is available now online, and an airplay-quality version for radio stations can be obtained through AirPlay Direct.

The full CD is scheduled for a late September releases, but download purchases for all the tracks should be enabled by September 1.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.