Wichita Rutherford, the duly elected Mayor of Bluegrass, presented the family band, Cherryholmes, with the key to the “City of Bluegrass” last week.
This is the first time the key has been awarded in bluegrass history and Wichita was understandably excited at the prospect of presenting such an honor. The Cherryholmes family were quite overwhelmed by it. Speaking on behalf of the whole family, Jere had this to say.
Uh… yeah… It’s an honor? I mean, it’s really small… but hey, you know… It’s an honor I guess?… yeah… It’s an honor.
Admittedly, the key was quite small as such keys go, but it’s still an honor. The family was a little apprehensive about being in such close proximity to the Mayor though. It appears they have a slight issue with Wichita’s somewhat eccentric personality.
Well, we keep the doors locked and everything, but he still drives up and down the street in front of our house a lot.
He used to do that to me when I lived in Nashville. It’s no big deal, he’s harmless, and precious.
Read the full story over on Wichita’s Blog.