Like every other music festival these days, last weekend’s Walnut Valley Festival, normally held in Winfield, KS, will be hosted online.
What would have been their 49th annual running of the festival, along with its prestigious picking competitions, was postponed until 2021. But they did go ahead with their songwriting contest, the NewSong Showcase. The difference this year is that winners will be unable to perform their compositions on stage in front of the live audience, but Walnut Valley will take care of that with a special live-stream concert on September 18 where both the winners and alternates will have the chance to sing their songs.
This year, during what organizers are calling WVF 48.5, the NewSong Showcase was curated by our very own Chris Jones, who says that he was taken by the strong character of songwriting on display.
“I was impressed by the quality and range of the songs that were entered. I love the process of discovering new songs, so I really appreciate the Walnut Valley Festival entrusting me with this job. I’m also grateful to the outstanding judges who lent their ears and their hearts to the often difficult task of determining winners, and who gave really valuable feedback to all the writers. I’m especially thankful to the songwriters who opened themselves up and let us hear their work and their art.”
Songs are submitted and considered in a total of ten categories.
The judging is complete, and the winners are:
Songs about Winfield
- The Old Walnut River – J.D. Benning
- Weekend at Winfield – Mike Ichniowski
- Pick Your Paradise – Ron Walker
- Pickin’ in the Road – Evan Ogborn
Songs for a Better World
- Land of the Great Osage – Annie B. Wilson
- Maria’s Dusty Shoes – Beth Lee
- Better Angels – James L. Herrmann
- Let Us Not Close Our Hearts – Joy Zimmerman
Sweet Memories
- Enjoy the Ride – Mackie Redd/Kenny Cornell
- No Time Son – Jim McCarter
- That Old Front Porch – Kenny Cornell
- Hard Wheat Harvest of ’84 – James L. Herrmann
- Restless Wanderer – Ralph Wesley Carr
- Druid Hymn – Emily K. Johnson-Erday
- Loaves and Fishes – Patrice Webb
- Just Passing Through – Beth Lee
None of the Above
- Hell Bender – Beth Lee
- Coyote Serenade – Annie Wilson
- On the Connecticut – Stan Sullivan
- Put My Mind at Ease – Ken Weddington, Felix Rodriguez, Jose Antonio Ponce, Dan Johnson
Suitable for Children
- Lost Shoe Blues – Mike Yoder
- I’m Just a Buzzin’ – Mark A. Noble
- Daisy the Bottle Calf – Annie B. Wilson
- Dogs and Cats Are People Too – Mark A. Noble
Humorous Songs
- The Old Clunker – Bruce Allinder
- In Love with Your Phone – Kelly Champlin, Adam Gardino
- Stealing Jesus – Jim McCarter
- Car Parts Party – Kenny Cornell, Elliot Rogers
- Ghost Town – Robert Olaf Siegers, Cricket Tombs
- The Meadowlark Rag – Greg Bryant
- Re-entry – Alice Boyle
- Nocturne for Lily – Steve Taylor
Love Songs
- I Could Never Write Our Love Song – Jim Carrington
- Good Night For a Change – Jim Joyce, Leah Watts
- His Coal Mining Days Are Through – Kevin T. Hale
- How ‘Bout You – Mark Noble
Feeling Blue
- A Letter and a Hope – Beth Nelson
- What’s a Poor Girl to Do – Beth Lee
- Evangeline – Fred Baue
- Living in Heartbreak and Pain – Kevin T. Hale
Well done and congratulations all!
The online winners showcase will be held starting at 7:00 p.m. (CDT) on Friday, September 18, at the official Walnut Valley Festival web site.