This year during the IBMA World of Bluegrass, we are delighted to have Driven, one of the invited showcase acts, chronicling their experiences for us at Bluegrass Today. It is both an honor and an opportunity for a group to be invited to showcase, and we thought it would be interesting to follow one throughout their big week in Raleigh. Here is a first day report from mandolinist, Brandon McLemore. Look for more reports this week.
What a trip it’s already been, and it’s only Tuesday! In a quick recap of Monday’s events: Jimmy, Blake and Brandon sat down to some good ole’ barbeque at Little Richards in Winston-Salem with our friend Guy, and later in the evening, we had the pleasure of watching the Chiefs manhandle the Patriots on Monday Night Football.
After getting a good night’s rest, Driven headed up to the convention center and got the booth set up in the exhibit hall. So if you find yourself in the trade show at any point, stop by booth #218 and say hello. We’ll have awesome giveaways for you!
Driven is honored and humbled to be an official showcase artist at the Bluegrass Ramble, and it starts tonight! We’ll be performing our first showcase at the Pour House and the show starts at 9:00 p.m. The band has had an awesome year following the release of our album titled You’ll Be Lonely, I’ll Be Gone and performing at this year’s World of Bluegrass is the icing on the cake. We’ve had a lot of help and great advice along the way, so we want to send all of our mentors, fans, bluegrass family, and especially Bluegrass Today a big THANK YOU for everything! We’re so excited for the events this week and look forward to meeting a lot of great folks.
Bring on the bluegrass!