The brothers perform a very interesting mix of music, drawing on the otherwise unrelated genres of bluegrass and Spanish folk/traditional dance music. Roberto tackles the mandolin in a strongly Monroe-influenced style, while Enrique accompanies him on guitar using a bluegrass rhythm.
For the movie, all the music was recorded live on stage, without an audience. According to Roberto, there will be no language barrier to overcome with audiences.
“The story is, we get lost in a journey through the region of La Alcarria, and there are songs from a live show mixed with different episodes along the film. We are the only characters who appear. There is no dialogue, just music and ambient sound. The intention of the director was to show an inner journey through our songs and the landscapes.”
Here’s a look at the trailer.
The initial plan is for La muerte en la Alcarria to be screened at film festivals, with a theatrical release to follow if the reception merits.