Spencer Nitchie passes

Spencer Nitchie, co-owner/operator of Banjo NewsLetter, died on August 6 following a brief bout with liver and pancreatic cancer. He was 57 years of age.

Since 1992, Spencer and his brother, Donald, have run the publication launched by their father, Hub, who died that year. Hub launched it as a print periodical in 1971, taking it to the status of a ‘must have’ monthly magazine for lovers of all kinds of five string banjo music. Since taking over for their dad, the Nitchies have increased circulation and moved Banjo NewsLetter online, though the print edition is still shipped every month.

Before becoming a publisher, Spencer had attended Towson State College in Maryland. He then took the classic journey of discovery traveling in Europe with his guitar in 1984. Playing on the streets of London, Paris, Nice, Florence, Athens and other cities, he learned a number of different languages and returned to the States with a wife, Silvia Breida of Rivigliasco, Italy. After Silvia’s passing in 1990, Spencer took on the role of single parent to their daughter, Sofia.

Spencer was remarried in 2018 to his long-time partner, Tara Boyle, on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts where he was born.

Donald remembered his brother and partner in his editor’s Callous Thumb column of the September issue thusly.

On August 6, 2021, my beloved brother Spencer passed away from pancreatic cancer. He had been diagnosed in early May. It happened very fast, and since he was in pain, blessedly so. At the time of his death, Spencer was 57: a musician, father, husband, brother, son and loving friend to many. He was especially appreciated in the traditional Irish music scene of Maryland, where his expertise on several instruments, including tenor banjo, flute, fiddle, concertina, guitar, and penny whistle, was an inspiration and encouragement to others. Spencer was also the one most BNL readers were in contact with, because he answered the phone, dealt with subscriptions, renewals, passwords for online and back issues, along with his other duties with printing and mailing.

R.I.P., Spencer Nitchie.

UPDATE 9/3/21Banjo NewsLetter has announced that they are suspending publication.

Medical fund established for Spencer Nitchie of Banjo NewsLetter

Sad news from the Nitchie family of Annapolis, MD, and fans of Banjo NewsLetter, The Five String Banjo Magazine.

Spencer Nitchie, who has published Banjo NewsLetter with his brother, Donald, since their dad, Hub, passed away in 1992, is dying from liver and pancreatic cancer. A medical fund has been established to help the family keep him comfortable for his final days/weeks/months, and to prevent them from having to shutter the magazine to devote all their time to his care.

Hub started Banjo NewsLetter in 1971, with assistance from his wife, Nancy, who had urged her two sons to take over the business when Hub passed away. Donald handled the editorial duties, while Spencer served as business manager. Despite banjo music being a decidedly niche market, they have maintained the magazine ever since, delivering it by mail to devoted banjo players and students all over the world. Each issue typically includes a mix of interviews, news, and banjo tabs, plus reviews of new products of interest to the banjo community, both three finger and clawhammer.

Interestingly, all three Nitchie men were fans of different types of banjo playing. Hub was a tried-and-true grasser, while Donald prefers old time banjo, and Spencer was fascinated by Celtic music on tenor banjo.

For the time being, publication is still ongoing, though they are not taking any new or renewal subscriptions at this time. As you might imagine, they have not become conspicuously wealthy publishing the NewsLetter.

A GoFundMe page has been set up by friends of Spencer and his wife, Tara, to provide some professional care for Spencer, and to help with various uncovered medical expenses and loss of income. Tara is not working in order to care for her husband, and Donald and other family members are trying to spell her as they are able.

Those of us who have enjoyed and benefited from Banjo NewsLetter over the past fifty years are urged to consider making a donation online in gratitude for the work the Nitchies have done all that time. If enough of us do so, they can easily reach their $50,000 goal on GoFundMe.

Contributions using major credit cards or PayPal can be securely processed online.

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